Bollywood movie reviews: Michael Jackson may have been victimised by doctors: Deepak Chopra
  • New Hope for AMERICA
  • Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    Michael Jackson may have been victimised by doctors: Deepak Chopra

    Indian-American spiritual guru Dr. Deepak Chopra feels that his longtime friend Michael Jackson may have been "victimised" by doctors who allowed abuse of prescription painkillers.

    Dr. Chopra, a qualified doctor and a well-known author said he had been concerned since 2005 that Jackson was abusing prescription painkillers. Speaking with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, Chopra said that Jackson had approached him in the past to ask for Oxycontin, an addictive narcotic painkiller.

    Dr. Chopra described the 50-year-old singer as deeply resistant to discussion about addiction matters, but also clearly struggling with addiction, and with doctors willing to enable that addiction.

    He called such doctors 'legalised pushers,' and went on to say that Jackson, had been victimised by such doctors.

    Officials have identified the doctor present when Michael Jackson collapsed as Dr. Conrad Robert Murray, a Las Vegas cardiologist with over twenty years of medical experience.

    Police have spoken with Dr. Murray briefly, but are reportedly seeking to interview him more fully, as he was attending to Jackson's medical needs, and likely administered any drugs the pop star ingested before his death.

    Dr. Murray was reportedly hired by the concert company to attend to Jackson's medical needs up to and through Jackson's 50 show comeback tour in London beginning July 13th, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    Jackson had reportedly been attending regular rehearsals and returned sometime after midnight on Wednesday. The next morning, Jackson reportedly received a Demerol injection at about 11:30 a.m. The injection may have been too strong, because reports are that the singer stopped breathing (a symptom consistent with Demerol overdose).

    The family of Michael Jackson says that Demerol injections killed the legendary star and that he was just a skeleton of his former self at the time of his death. cited a close member of Jackson's family as saying that Jackson received a daily injection of Demerol, a synthetic narcotic similar to morphine, and that he received a shot at 11.30 am, shortly before he collapsed and died.

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